Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Debian: Realtek wireless adapter setup

This is the only process that worked for me to get a Realtek RTL8188AU wireless adapter chipset working on my Debian9 system, and also how I got it to work in VirtualBox.

Realtek RTL8188AU chipset
Reinstalling Your Realtek Wireless Driver

Install and configure rtl8812au in Debian:

# sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential git

# git clone
# cd rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux
# make
# sudo make install
# sudo modprobe rtl8812au
# reboot


To get VirtualBox to recognize any USB device:

If you haven't installed the extension pack for VirtualBox then just go here and follow the directions:

If you've already installed the extension pack you may just need to run this command:

# sudo usermod -aG vboxusers <username>

Then logout/login or reboot.
You should be able to add USB devices to virtual machines now.

Read more about guest additions on virtualbox: 

If your wireless adapter still wont show up in your virtualbox machine you may need to setup a device filter, if selecting the device doesn't work.

Go to the virtual OS setttings > USB and add a USB Device Filter, this way your virtual machine can pick up the USB device when you plug it in.

To get the device information for your filter, open usbview and select your device.

# usbview

Find your device in the list and fill out the filter with all the info you can.
Now when you load your virtual machine and plug in your USB device, virtualbox should route it to the virtual machine.

read more:

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